Have you ever been hurt so bad that you thought you’d never see the other side of it? To you, it felt like the end of the world, and what happened seemed completely unforgivable. Maybe you're still going through the motions and holding onto that pain of replaying past events in your mind and wondering how to get past it and let go. Well, it’s time to take a step toward healing and “Let That Sh*t Go!!!”
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Girl, you just don’t understand all the hell I’ve been through!” And yes, I do understand. I’ve been there and sometimes I still go through those same emotions. But what I’ve come to realize is that holding on to all that pain was killing my spirit, I was stuck and weighed down, unable to build healthy relationships, and even sabotaging myself in ways I didn’t fully see. I wasn’t thriving into the woman I knew I was deep down because I was too exhausted to show up for myself.
Holding on to past hurt will only stagnate you. And let’s be real, you deserve so much more. But to claim what you deserve you’ve got to break free from that weight and move forward with peace and purpose.
"Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to suffer." – Buddha
Why Letting Go Is So Hard
Letting go is tough because in your heart you know you were wronged. The disappointment, betrayal and hurt still stings. Maybe you’re waiting for an apology or acknowledgment that might never come. I’m not going to sugarcoat it—letting go takes time. But you must find a way to release yourself from its hold.
While you're holding onto what someone else did to you, they’re out there living their life. They might not even realize or care that you're still hurting. And that's why letting go is for YOU, not for them. You deserve peace. Trust me the longer you hold onto it, the longer you’re trapped in a cycle of pain. So even if it’s just one small step today try to release that grip. Your whole life isn’t defined by that one moment. You deserve a life filled with peace and a future full of possibilities.
Acknowledge What’s Holding You Back
It’s hard to heal if you don’t know what’s weighing you down. Seriously, ask yourself what hurt or disappointment is keeping you from fully living? And be honest! it may be painful but acknowledging your pain is the first step to letting it go. When I finally confronted my past traumas it was like peeling back layers of myself that I didn’t even realize were holding me back.
Talk It Out
It took me a long time to get a therapist. Why? Because seriously we don’t like telling our business to anyone, because it causes vulnerability, shame, and exposure. We hide our pain believing we can handle it on our own. But can we really? Growing up, the saying was, “What goes on in this house stays in this house,” and that mindset has created so much trauma and resentment over generations. It’s time to break that cycle.
If the person who hurt you is still in your life and you feel brave enough, consider having an honest conversation. But proceed with caution especially if you’ve been made to feel less than or accused of lying your whole life. Not everyone will be receptive to your healing and that’s okay. This is your truth, not theirs.
Talking to a therapist helped me confront the things I didn’t want to face, and I even realized that a lot of those things rolled over into other areas that were not addressed. “Oh, maybe that’s why I do this or that” It was rough at first, and I even stopped going at one point because it stirred up so much that I had tucked away. But reluctantly I jumped back on the bandwagon because I knew it was what I needed. I was tired of feeling heavy. Therapy is like pulling up weeds—if you don’t get them out from the root, they keep growing back. Bottling up your emotions will only make the pain worse, and let’s face it, it’s not good for your mental health, and if you’re not ready for therapy yet, find a trusted friend to talk to. The point is to begin releasing that hold it has on you.
Make the First Move Toward Healing
You’re the driver of your life and no one else gets to decide how long you carry the weight of your past. Healing starts with a choice, and every day you can decide to show up for yourself. Recognize that healing is within your reach, and you have the power to create the life you want.
One of the most important steps in healing is learning to forgive yourself. Often, we blame ourselves for the things that have happened, convincing ourselves we somehow deserved the pain. NO! NADA, NOPE! you are worthy of love, grace, and compassion. The past may have shaped you, but it doesn’t have to define you.
Let Go and Reclaim Your Future
When you make the decision to forgive and focus on the present you have the power to heal and step into a brighter future. Healing and happiness start with a choice and while each day varies, some may be good and some not so great but get up with a positive mindset, be present and say out loud that “today is going to be a good day,” some of us have been in that negative mindset for so long that they don’t know no other way to think but it’s up to you to change the narrative and take the first step
Set healthy boundaries and protect your peace. Every day, choose to live free from the weight of past pain, and trauma. You deserve peace, joy, and love.
"The wound is the place where the light enters you." — Rumi
With love and empowerment – E
What steps are you taking on your healing journey?
How are you letting go of past pain?
Drop your thoughts below, and let’s talk about it.
#HealingJourney #LettingGo #ForgiveAndThrive